Pennsylvania Students' #1 Trusted Tutoring Provider for 17 years!
Why Parents Choose Academy Tutoring:
Qualified Staff – Our tutors are experienced, Pennsylvania certified teachers.
Reliable – Our tutors are dependable, and provide a high level of flexibility and customer service.
Quality Assurance – Two full-time staff members supervise tutoring and student results.
Convenient – Our tutors meet our students in the comfort of their home or local library.
Flexible – We offer flexible scheduling, including weekends. Also, students can start and stop at any time.
Results – Academy Tutoring is an established program with proven results. Year after year, we help students achieve the highest grades.
Thank you for visiting us. On behalf of our staff of 60 tutors, I would like to thank the over 6,000 students who have chosen Academy Tutoring to help achieve their goals and full potential. We hope we've made your dreams come true!
At Academy Tutoring, your needs come first. In addition to helping your child improve their academic, organization, and test-taking skills, we will also help them reduce any academic stress and increase their confidence. Our overall goal is to help your child enjoy school and experience more success.
You can rest assured that your son or daughter will be working with a highly qualified, caring professional. We are different than other tutoring organizations in that over 95% of our tutors are state certified teachers. We believe it is important for a tutor not only to be knowledgeable in a subject area, but also to be qualified to teach it.
At Academy Tutoring, we get results. Last school year, 93% of the students we tutored in regular subject areas increased at least one full letter grade! Our SAT prep students' scores increased an average of 160 points and our ACT Prep students' scores increased an average of 4 points!"